Is this what is supposed to be happening? Because, with that happening. But, ultimately what is happening when I do this is the sound from the computer is being passed through the Alesis into my headphones and sound being recorded is going from the alesis into the computer as if the alesis is an external microphone/are external microphones. When I open Cubase 5 (not LE5, the full edition) the only way I can get the program to find the alesis is by selecting "USB Audio Codec" as the Asio device. The only thing I can find is the USB Audio Codec under Sound and Hardware. It installs the new hardware found but when I look for it I can't find it anywhere. I plug it into my laptop which is a HP G72, 6gb, i3 running Windows 7.

I recently got a hold of a Multimix 8 usb FX and, already, I'm lost.