Tip: to find out what the architecture of your processor is, open the Windows file explorer (Windows key + E), then select the option "This PC" and click on "Properties". Once this is done, you have to press the blue button to start download. We select the latest version available (in this case, the one that corresponds to Windows 10), while choosing the processor architecture, that is, 32 or 64 bits.

on ( 'error' ) def on_error ( code ): print ( 'Error:', code ) asyncio. on ( 'terminated' ) def on_terminated (): print ( 'Terminated' ). on ( 'completed' ) def on_completed (): print ( 'Completed' ). on ( 'progress' ) def time_to_terminate ( progress ): # Gracefully terminate when more than 200 frames are processed if progress. on ( 'progress' ) def on_progress ( progress ): print ( progress ). on ( 'stderr' ) def on_stderr ( line ): print ( 'stderr:', line ). on ( 'start' ) def on_start ( arguments ): print ( 'Arguments:', arguments ).

output ( 'output.ts', # Use a dictionary when an option name contains special characters, f = 'mpegts', ). input ( 'rtsp:///cam', # Specify file options using kwargs rtsp_transport = 'tcp', rtsp_flags = 'prefer_tcp', ). Usage import asyncio from ffmpeg import FFmpeg ffmpeg = FFmpeg (). A python interface for FFmpeg using asyncio Requirements